WIBN Success Story | Gannon Gremmel


I was introduced to Wrestlers in Business Network by one of my good friends and mentors, Joe Schnepf. Joe helped me ever since my senior season at Iowa State. He was so devoted to giving his time just to sit down and see me succeed after college. I can not thank him enough for getting me into an industry that benefits other people, along with self-fulfillment.

The story all started when I was getting a workout inside the wrestling room. I was running on the treadmill 3-4 days after my national tournament. I believe that surprised him a lot to see someone in the room. I immediately stopped my workout as I love to talk to each and every Cyclone fan, especially one walking into the room wearing Iowa State Wrestling apparel. I hardly knew him at the time, but we built a friendship that will last forever. We touched on my career goals with wrestling and my next stages of life after wrestling. I got to know his life story and the challenges that his family was facing at the time. I knew at that moment he was not only a friend but a great person with an abundance of knowledge in the business and especially in the medical field.

Later Joe and I began to set up meetings just checking in on each other. We developed a friendship from afar as he resided on the West Coast. As I knew my body needed shoulder surgery and was getting banged up, I looked for answers, and Joe was the exact person I needed. Joe pointed me to WIBN and said, make a post, and this group of great individuals that were all wrestlers will help you. I thought you know what, it won't hurt to make a post in this chat on LinkedIn. I decided after our meeting to make a post, and it was like the recruiting process started over for me with so many people trying to help me, it was overwhelming. I had wrestlers calling me, emailing me, and messaging me on LinkedIn, just trying to give me support and direction. I had people trying to get me a job as soon as I made that post. I think WIBN is a must for any wrestler at any level. We know how demanding wrestling is and the core values that come with being a wrestler. I believe the wrestling community is one of the best, if not the best ones out there.

I am forever grateful for Joe Schnept, Jeff Zannetti, and especially the WIBN.

The best thing that happened to me was joining this brotherhood of champions!

Nate Naasz